Amphioctopus Marginatus

The Coconut Octopus is a really special species. Its scientific name is Amphioctopus marginatus and it inhabits the tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean.

This amusing octopus could easily become a handyman. It is proficient in tool using and it is often seen using two of its arms as legs to walk on the sea floor. This bipedal ability enables the octopus to walk and at the same time carry a coconut shell on its head. It is an effective way to use the shell as a form of shield but also as camouflage. Potential predators can be confused into thinking the coconut octopus is just a coconut shell tossed about by water currents.

As Crafty as a Coconut Octopus

The hilarious coconut octopus featuring in this video is definitely craftier than a fox. Hidden inside the coconut shell, it rolls over the sea floor moving at top speed!

This small engineer has transformed his coconut into a true mobile home. It has become the wheel itself! Pulling the breaks is also a piece of cake: taking a couple of its eight suckered arms out does the trick.

Aside from a transportation means, the coconut shell is also used as an observation fortress. When an approaching enemy is detected, the octopus retreats in the safety of the coconut shell.

Home sweet coconut home…